And you come at the head of a punitive expedition aimed towards me, no less? Ah the letter! Thank you,
Lucius Severus, for asking me to write that letter! I can just imagine the look on Ricimer's face. For nearly twenty years
we have been smiling at each other across the table whilst kicking each other's shins. It felt good to tell that bastard what
I thought of him!
Aetius had been made consul three times, and his power threatened Valentinian, who ran him through at an audience. Those
of the Order who were present told him "You have cut off your right hand with your left." Images of Flavius Aetius
returning to his Triumph in Rome. Command of the army fell to his two closest aides, Majorian and Ricimer. The identity of
the chosen Keeper was kept a secret. Ironically, Aetius' Gothic retainers avenged him a month later by assassinating Valentinian.
When the deluge came, it came from the south. In revenge for the death of her husband, the Vandals sacked Rome at the
invitation of the Empress, Eudoxia, who returned to Africa as a prisoner. Ultimately, her revenge cost all that she had.
The women of the house of Theodosius were a disaster for the empire, Lucius Severus!
With a forced marriage of Eudoxia to Gaiseric's son, Hunneric and control over the grain of Africa, the
Vandals had their impact on Court politics. Majorian became Emperor and managed to restore some order. Neither Keeper nor
Steward, Majorian did at least belong to the Order
Should we have been more active in his support? We could not, for we knew there was a traitor and could not act until he showed
his hand. That happened soon enough...
Majorian made an attempt to wrest Africa from the Vandals. Until the invasion fleet mysteriously burned in Cartegena
harbour. Majorian was executed for treason, but he took the next Keeper's identity with him to the grave. And Ricimer took
control through a series of puppet emperors
. Was the hand of Ricimer involved in the burning of the fleet? He was never a member of the Order. For fifteen years he has
kept Aetius' former staff officers separated. He thought it was the former staff that he had to beware of, and we did not
enlighten him! Know this Ciaus Severus, Ricimer is the Grandson of the former Visigothic King Wallia! The goths were to have
been Rome's tool, not Ricimer's. And he has used them to keep me penned here defending Gaul. Before his death, Majorian ensured
that the next Keeper remained in the Burgundian Kingdom, where I could watch him. Here was the secret kept hidden by Majorian,
perhaps his most lasting accomplishment, the next Keeper was an Orphan! In fact, he next Keeper had created his own identity!
And so the next heir received the legacy without instruction. Rome had been actively hunting the Order of late. The Catholic
empire had forsworn a benign tolerance of paganism. With imperfect knowledge and an incomplete education, without a Steward
to guide him, the next Keeper attempted to fulfill his obligation. The endgame was near. And so I tried to protect him,
without agents, for none could be trusted, with only my silence as a shield. That silence which both protected and benighted
him. The Heir sought his own answers, and has done well. Certainly better than Rome deserves. We have watched in silence.
Intervening only with funding for his education, the opportune promotion here, the fortuitous posting there. Was he aware
of our small kindnesses? And now, he attempts to secure what he perceives as the Order's goal. He does better than
he knows. And I can only offer this meager secret, hoarded against the bright and terrible day. I hope it is enough, and yet
I fear it is not!